Would you like to work with me?
If you are searching for a high-quality and authentic blog or Instagram post about sustainability, photography or traveling, you found just the right person! My blog and my followers are german so it will be perfect for you to reach a german audience.
If you are interested in a fair collaboration with me, write an email to
Every single post on this blog is a lot of work and passion. That's why I won't publish prewritten texts and I will always keep my own style and write my honest opinion. Moreover I will only promote products that are suitable for me and my blog. To put things in a nutshell at the very beginning: I will mark every payed article as legally required in german law. Besides I never set any payed do-follow links!
About my blog & me
I'm Eva, 24 years old and living in the beautiful german city Hamburg, where I'm working as a UX-Designer. I'm a passionate environmentalist and always trying to make my daily life more sustainable. Besides I love photography and traveling. And that's what my blog is all about!
In December 2012 I founded be fabulous to write about and share my big passion: photography. Since then the two other topics came across: traveling and sustainability. I'm writing this blog and every single blogpost to make my followers benefit from my selftaught knowledge. I love to give practical tips and tutorials!
- Page impressions: ~ 3.670 per month
- Unique visitors: ~ 1.700 per month
- Pages per session: 1,20
The numbers are the rounded average of the last 3 months.
Recorded with Google Analytics.
Last update: March 2022
Blog Readers
- Gender: 84% female, 16% male
- Location: 87% Germany, 5% Austria, 4% Switzerland
- Age: 19% <25, 32% 25-34, 21% 35-44, 28% >44
Package 1 - Blogpost
- 1 blogpost (in german) on
- at least 800 words
- at least 5 pictures
- at least 1 Instagram story with a reference to the post
- link to the blogpost in the instagram profile's linktree
- 1-2 Pinterest pins spread on different thematically linked boards, groupboards and Tailwind tribes picked by me
Price: 100 € 1
Package 2 - Instagram
- at least 3 slides @befabulous_blog's Instagram Story
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in different Instagram Story slides
- tag of the company's account
- sharing of the feed post in one Instagram Story slide
- Version a: 1 Instagram feed post @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a picture in my account's style
- suitable (german) caption about the desired topic/ product
- tag of the company's account
- Version b: 1 Reel @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a Reel (a short video)
- tag of the company's account in the description
- sharing of the Reel for a bigger reach in my Instagram-Feed and -Story
Price: 80 € 1
Package 3 - Instagram Feed
- 1 Instagram feed post @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a picture in my account's style
- suitable caption about the desired topic/ product
- tag of the company's account
- sharing of the feed post in one Instagram Story slide
Price: 50 € 1
for every additional post (with at least 3 weeks offset) + 30 € 1
Package 4 - Instagram Story
- at least 3 slides @befabulous_blog's Instagram Story
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in different Instagram Story slides
- tag of the company's account
Price: 50 € 1
Package 5 - Instagram Reel
- 1 Reel @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a Reel (a short video)
- tag of the company's account in the description
- sharing of the Reel for a bigger reach in my Instagram-Feed and -Story
Price: 50 € 1
Package 6 - Blog- & Instagram Combo
- 1 blogpost (in german) on
- at least 800 words
- at least 5 pictures
- at least 3 slides @befabulous_blog's Instagram Story
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in different Instagram Story slides
- tag of the company's account
- sharing of the feed post in one Instagram Story slide
- 1-2 Pinterest pins spread on different thematically linked boards, groupboards and Tailwind tribes picked by me
- link to the blogpost in the instagram profile's linktree
- Version a: 1 Instagram feed post @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a picture in my account's style
- suitable (german) caption about the desired topic/ product
- tag of the company's account
- Version b: 1 Reel @befabulous_blog
- presentation of the desired topic/ product in a Reel (a short video)
- tag of the company's account in the description
- sharing of the Reel for a bigger reach in my Instagram-Feed and -Story
Price: 160 € 1
PR Samples
Since this blog and social media accounts are a lot of work that should be fairely payed I only accept PR samples as a (one and only) payment in rare occasions and these are the terms:
- Please ask first before sending a PR sample. Since sustainability is really important to me I will only accept products I really like to have.
- I won't guarantee, that I will show the product on my blog or social media accounts. If you want to be sure please pick one of the payed packages.
- I will only accept PR samples (or packages of PR samples) worth 50 € or more.
- License of use for the pictures created for the collaboration 2
- authorization to use the pictures on the company's website, linked social media accounts and print media
- provision of the pictures in high quality
- the usage of filters or other modifications of the pictures isn't permitted
Price: 15 € 1 per picture
- License of use for pictures created without a collaboration 2
- authorization to use the pictures on the company's website, linked social media accounts and print media
- provision of the pictures in high quality
- the usage of filters or other modifications of the pictures isn't permitted
Price: 25 € 1 per picture
It would also be my pleasure to send you a customized offer suitable to your ideas!
1 according to german law for small businesses (§19 UStG) all prices are without VAT
2 in this case collaboration means a payed collaboration (and doesn't apply to the PR samples only option)